Photography Not Taken #3

It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning in October and my brother and I had decided to go to breakfast at the Single Tree Cafe in Healdsburg. Outside they have an eating area where we decided to sit because we had Snowie with us in his stroller. We ordered our usual breakfast, a country fried steak topped with sausage gravy, complete with sunny-side-up eggs, home style potatoes, and toast–plus a milkshake. I began eating after I had watched my brother drown most of his food in ketchup, including his steak. I didn’t look up until my brother said “Sister, look…” in a downtrodden tone. It was like a scene from a cartoon or sitcom. One moment he was fine and the next moment I look he’s gotten into a mess. I wanted to take two colored photographs, one before and one after–noting the drastic and immediate change of my brother carrying most of the ketchup and gravy on the brim of his black O’Neil hat when only seconds before had been completely clean and new. I don’t take portraits often, but they are really fun when I do. I think the photos would have been great, had I known beforehand that he would miscalculate the distance between his hat’s brim and the food. I think the photos would have captured my brother’s lovably clumsy personality that contrasted with his tall and broad build that makes him look tough.

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