
Author Archives: laurenngeigerr

My grandparents used to live in Laguna Beach, California. They had a cottage styled house with a huge garden in in the front yard. The house was surrounded with a white fence that was covered with flowers. As Laguna Beach has many hills, their house was about a mile high, facing the ocean. I used to sit outside and watch the day pass. At the golden hour, there were incredible sun rays and reflections on the house and the garden. I wish I would have photographed the house, while emphasizing the lighting.

About three years ago, I was at home with my brother and we noticed the sunset so we grabbed our surf boards and we went down to the water. While we were in the water, we were sitting on our boards and a small pod of dolphins passed by. I didnt have any type of camera on me, so I sat and witnessed the moment. I will forever have the mental image i captured, but I wish I had my go pro to capture the image. Seal Beach California sunsets are hard to beat.

A photograph I wish I had taken was a landscape shot on top of Colima Hill, in Hacienda Heights, California, in the middle of January. I was on a 10 mile hike with my brother, and didn’t bring my camera because it was a long hike and I had done it many times before. I didn’t think there would be any new photo opportunities on a hike that I was so familiar with, but at the end of our hike, we stood on top of Colima and looked down at the trail we had hiked. It was overcast and the sun was beaming through the clouds onto the hills. I remember the scene being irie and peaceful and I wish I had had my camera to capture the beauty that stood in front of me. I have yet to leave my camera at home while hiking. I learned my lesson.

It was over the summer, so a warm day, about 10:30 am. I was at work, outside, exploring bugs and bubbles with the kids in my class. I was sitting on the edge of a tree stump when i looked up at the sensory table to find two of my kids blowing bubbles together. One demonstrating to the other how the bubbles worked. As one and two year olds, parallel play is more typical to see than interactive play or play that involves more than one child. This moment not only caught my eye, but made me wish I had had my camera simply because of the interactions being had. Documenting this moment would have given this interaction justice in the developmental achievements that my children reach everyday. I wish I had my camera.

One photograph I wish I would have taken was a moment late at night in my home town, Seal Beach California. It was the middle of December, 2013. The days had been rainy and the nights were cool. I was walking home from a get together on the beach, and I saw an older couple slow dancing in the back parking lot of one of the towns bars. The street light was setting a romantic mood. There were dumpsters and backs of restaurants that surrounded them, but they couldn’t have cared less. Love at one of its finest moments. I wish I had had my camera!