Photographs Not Taken #5

Retreat is one of the most important and exciting times for my sorority. This is when we get our Bigs and Littles. It may not seem very exciting to some, but it is for us. We look up to our Bigs and love to take care of our littles. The reveal is always done in an exciting way. This year, we had the new members (littles) pop balloons to find out who their Big is. When  I was taking photographs of everyone’s reveal, my camera started acting weird. Obviously I can’t stop the reveal just because my camera is messing up, so I missed a few shots. One of them was when a girl was sitting on the balloon, trying to pop it. She was smiling a big, exciting grin. It would’ve been such a cute picture to get because no one else had sat on their balloons in an attempt to pop it.

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