Photographs not taken No.4

I haven’t been my usual self this semester,
I’ve fallen off course and am slowly returning back on to it.
If you didn’t know, I’m usually zealous about life and school, zealous about the work in front of me and any obstacles there. I used to carry a camera with me 24/7 and to be honest, I haven’t been in that mood to lug around a camera older than my parents.

To be completely more honest, I haven’t felt I missed a photograph or at least I haven’t thought of it.

I’m sure I will look back, and think dammit “why didn’t I take more pictures during the semester?” But for now, I’m perfectly content where I have currently been, I also can’t stress out about missing a moment in time, because that’s not going to help for the creating of new images, of new work and of new stories.

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