
Monthly Archives: August 2016

Simon Cherin-Gordon was born in Berkeley, CA. He is a BFA candidate at Sonoma State University, with an expected graduation date of May 2017.   

I see the world through a viewfinder. There are multiple times every day in which I look at something, whether it be a specific object in front of me or the landscape I am surrounded by, and the photograph I would take becomes instantly clear to me.

It is this innate sense of pre-visualization that has—as a surprise to myself—led to the installation work I am now doing. After working exclusively with film for a number of years, I now work with digital photography, video, sound and other forms of media such as sculpture and etching. In “2001 (Epilogue),” a recent installation, I projected a video comprised of found footage and sound onto a wall with digital prints mounted on it. The layering of the motion and color changes on top of still imagery allowed my work to achieve a level of dimensionality that I have long been striving for.