
Author Archives: carleynicole8

I was sitting on my grandmothers couch in her living room. My cousins and I had just finished helping her decorate her whole house for Christmas. Sitting there tired, I took a second to admire the work we’d just done. The fire was burning and the mantle was covered with holiday decor. The garland and Christmas lights were twinkling and framing the fire place perfectly. The brick wall as a back drop created an incredible pattern. The vibrant orange of the fire and the green of the garland made it a harmonious image.

This Saturday I happened to be taking a short cut to my car and walked through Ives. I was surprised to see that there was a crowd in one of the classrooms. I took a peek into the classroom and saw that there was actually a play taking place. As I stood at the stairs looking in, I realized that not one person had turned to notice me. Everyone in the audience was so fixed on the actors and actresses before them on the stage. If I had my camera I would have loved to go to the back of the room, up high and captured all the heads stuck looking forward. I would have focused on the people and had the play in the background out of focus; because it wasn’t the play that I was interested in, it was the people entranced by it that caught my attention.

It was last night November 1st, when I was driving around Rohnert Park while it was raining. I was approaching a stop light and noticed how the light was reflecting off the wet ground. The red light from the stop light was shining so vibrantly. Not only was the light being reflected but there was a perfectly placed puddle that was clearly reflecting the street sign that I could read it. I wish I could have taken a photo of the intersection, the contrast of the dark road and the bright red was asking for its photo to be taken.

A moment when I wish I had my camera but didn’t was when I witnessed a big group of girls toilet papering a home. I happened to be across the street getting into my car, early in the morning around one a.m. and about five cars full of girls pulled up. They immediately hopped out of the cars and started tossing toilet paper everywhere. The home they were at had a porch light that was lighting the night perfectly. The moment that I wished I could have captured, was a girl wearing a hoodie, with her back to me, mid throw. The porch light was lighting her up in a way that showed me what she was doing, but not giving away her identity. The idea of capturing her in the act but not giving her identity away really intrigued me. The silhouette of her body in the night would have made a beautiful black and white image.