
Author Archives: Diana Baciocco

So over Thanksgiving break I decided to make a “fancy” dinner for myself and I’m not one to take pics of my food but I wished I did this time. I was astonished how good my mini pot pie turned out! I swear it looked like it came out of a storybook! When I dug into it I loved how the smoke was escaping the dish. If only I had the control to take a photo before I ate the rest of it. Oh well.

I was working on my printmaking project when my professor discovered a dead mouse under all the piles of lead letters for the letter press. I didn’t think that was interesting until he found another one ten minutes later by the chemical cabinet. Dom disposed of both of the mice outside. At the end of class Abby opened the door outside and found a third one right before she walked out the door. I really wish I had my camera and took a photo of all three. It kinda felt like a crime scene.

I was at a Halloween party recently and saw two people dressed up as the Sims. It’s genius because you can wear what you want with the green diamond strapped to your back. I was already about to leave before I had a chance to take a picture of them. It was funny and clever because one of them had the light on and the other’s light was not working and it just added to the costume.

Last year I was in Las vegas for my friend’s 21st birthday for a couple of days in November. One night we got on the VIP list at the club Hakkasan where I got to see Steve Aoki DJ for the night. I was not expecting to take pictures but the moment my friend got to go onstage and dance with Steve Aoki – I was pissed that I didn’t bring a good quality camera with me. Especially when Steve Aoki threw cake at people in the face. Best. Night. Ever. Seriously though, you should have seen the look on people’s faces who got cake all over them. They were ecstatic.

I was heading out with my family for my mom’s birthday dinner. It was me, my mom, my dad, my brother and his long time girlfriend Veronica. We decided to go to Joy’s Sushi in San Mateo because – why not? Who doesn’t love sushi? Well except my dad. Sorry, dad. He had no input that day. While we were standing outside the restaurant, I saw this classic blue convertible cadillac stop at a red light right in front of me. I’m talking like 15 feet away. If that wasn’t worthy enough of a snapshot, the bulldog with the aviator hat and googles in the passenger seat was. After what seemed like forever, the light turned green and they were on their way.