
Author Archives: niquiewilson

Retreat is one of the most important and exciting times for my sorority. This is when we get our Bigs and Littles. It may not seem very exciting to some, but it is for us. We look up to our Bigs and love to take care of our littles. The reveal is always done in an exciting way. This year, we had the new members (littles) pop balloons to find out who their Big is. When  I was taking photographs of everyone’s reveal, my camera started acting weird. Obviously I can’t stop the reveal just because my camera is messing up, so I missed a few shots. One of them was when a girl was sitting on the balloon, trying to pop it. She was smiling a big, exciting grin. It would’ve been such a cute picture to get because no one else had sat on their balloons in an attempt to pop it.

I typically photograph my friends, roommates, and family when it comes to my portrait photography. It is the most comfortable and motivating way because we’re so close and I know I can easily tell them what to do. Recently, I was doing a photo shoot with my roommates for a different class. I had been photographing fashion. My roommates are super photogenic so it had been pretty easy to shoot. We went to downtown Petaluma, and photographed on a brick wall, a bridge, fences, and other buildings. Kayla had been dressed in black pants, black shirt, black blazer, white converse, and she was carrying a purse. Her makeup was completely done, including red lipstick. Next to the brick wall where we had been shooting, was a black and white motorcycle. Kayla walked passed it and it would’ve been a perfect photograph. My camera had been in my hand but I didn’t pick it up in time. I wish we could’ve found the owner of the motorcycle so she could sit on it and take other photographs. It would’ve been a perfect typical fashion photograph.

Over the summer, I worked at a childcare inside of a gym. I had been in the back watching the kids when I looked up and saw one of the little girls next to her brother at the craft table. The little girl was probably 5 1/2 and the brother was around the same age. Both of the kids had been wearing blue. They were surrounded by a lot of other kids but these two stood out the most to me. They hadn’t been there for long, but they walked up to the table holding hands. They seemed so close and loving towards each other. It was one of the best things I had seen working at this daycare. I wish I had taken a photo to capture this adorable moment in time.

My favorite photographs are the ones that aren’t planned. Candids. They are the moments in time that we can freeze with just a click of a button. These are also the ones that are usually missed. Whenever I photograph an event, I feel like I miss numerous shots that could’ve been great. I was a photographer for a child’s birthday a year or so ago. I had been following the cute 6 year old around for hours, trying to get the best photographs for the mother. The birthday boy had been playing around in the backyard when he saw a lady bug land on him. He stared at it with such confusion. I was just enjoying the moment, watching this curious child discovering something new, and I didn’t take a picture of it. The lighting was perfect, the colors around him were vibrant, but the moment passed as soon as the lady bug flew away. It would’ve been a great photograph but I completely missed it.