
Author Archives: yoyohance

Over break I visited my grandmother and my sister for a day. On thanksgiving i missed the PERFECT picture of my grandma sitting in her favorite chair with my dog laying at her feet. She was holding a mirror in her hand and she was brushing her hair. She was completely unaware of me standing in the next room and she was completely in her own world. She had to make sure she was well put together for the family dinner.

A week and a half ago I was in San Francisco and I was exploring through Chinatown. As we entered a tunnel we noticed that there were a ton of city busses unloading and we thought it would be a great photo. At one point there was a group of kids rushing off of the bus with huge smiles on their faces. I regretted not having my camera ready because the lighting on their face mixed with the act of them jumping over a small wall would have made for a very cinematic photo

Over summer I while in the CSU Summer Arts Program we took a class trip to Santa Cruz and our objective was to photograph strangers. My classmate and I were coming out of arcade and on the other side of a small white picket fence there was a family lounging on the lawn in front of us.  It was perfect, The dad was laying on his side watching his young daughter playing with her dolls. The mother was digging in the picnic basket for a water to cool her off on the abnormally warm day. There was a teenage daughter recording her brother playing with his model airplane running through the grass. It was everything you would imagine an “American Family” to look like.

When I asked the father is it was alright to photograph them he said no thank you and I left. I kept talking about them afterwards and my teacher said “Well you know, they are on public property so you could have just taken the picture”. But I couldn’t, there was just something to perfect about the moment they were in that I didn’t want to ruin by being a paparazzi and having put them in a bad mood. Instead I keep a mental photograph that I bring up often and think about them.