

This past Thanksgiving I had the opportunity to spend it with my amazing roommate and her family. It was such a wonderful experience to see how they celebrate this “cookie-cutter”American holiday. In my eyes it was all pretty typical, except a few of their family traditions that I was introduced to. I think my favorite moment of the whole day was when my roommates grandpa was dancing with his daughters and granddaughters. The music made everyone clap and start dancing as if they had never done it before. I would have loved to capture the joy and timelessness in this moment that they were all in. The smallest little niece had such a sparkle in her eye, looking up at her family as her biggest heroes.

Surprising my family with a visit home is one of my favorite things to do, and it does not happen as often as I would like.

Towards the beginning of last June, my little sister was coming home from her first year at Seattle University and was so mad at me for not being back in Los Angeles to welcome her home and kick off summer. This same weekend was also conveniently my mom’s birthday. So I called my dad and told him I was booking a trip home to surprise the both of them.

I wish I would have taken a picture of their faces when I went with my dad to pick them up from LAX. They were so surprised and happy when I popped out of the trunk of my dads Expedition. I purposely did not take a picture of the moment because I wanted to live it and I knew that I would be able to vividly remember the emotions that were felt that day.

One photograph I wish I would have taken was towards the end of summer at my cousins wedding. The couple had met at school in Santa Clara so naturally, that’s where they were married at the Cathedral on Santa Clara’s campus. The one moment I will always remember vividly was the day before the wedding when our whole family took over the pool deck at the hotel we stayed at in downtown San Jose. It was a perfect day out, beautiful weather and everything. Also being around family where everyone is happy and has the biggest smile on was a priceless moment. I should mention also that the entire Manchester United soccer team was staying at the hotel; they thought they were taking it over for the weekend, but they were sadly mistaken. The 200 of us definitely ran the show.

I was heading out with my family for my mom’s birthday dinner. It was me, my mom, my dad, my brother and his long time girlfriend Veronica. We decided to go to Joy’s Sushi in San Mateo because – why not? Who doesn’t love sushi? Well except my dad. Sorry, dad. He had no input that day. While we were standing outside the restaurant, I saw this classic blue convertible cadillac stop at a red light right in front of me. I’m talking like 15 feet away. If that wasn’t worthy enough of a snapshot, the bulldog with the aviator hat and googles in the passenger seat was. After what seemed like forever, the light turned green and they were on their way.

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Blog Post Due: Wed. 9/2

Post examples of your work to the blog as a slide show to share with the rest of the class. You may also bring to class any physical artwork in addition to the images on the blog. You will then give a 3-5 minute presentation introducing yourself and your past work to the class.

List of 5–10 Ideas Due: Wed. 9/2
Proposal Due: Wed. 9/9

The capstone of the course is a semester long, final project on a self-defined theme. You will need to propose 5–10 ideas for approval then begin to research and plan your strategy for producing and completing the project during the semester. We will have several work-in-progress group critiques and individual conferences to insure the success of the work.

The final format is flexible depending on your level in the Photography program (e.g., slideshow(s), book, website). Regardless, the final project must include a story (written or audio format). Books do not need to be printed, but maybe uploaded to Issue or Blurb (or a similar site). You can post the link to the site or book on the class blog.

You will turn in a 1-2 page proposal on your topic for approval and suggestions. Before writing the proposal you will need to research your subject to get to know more about the story. You must interview at least three people for the proposal to add context. The proposal should be written in a journalistic style, beginning with a strong headline. Start with an introduction, which grabs the reader’s interest. This should be followed by an explanation of the main story’s theme. What is important or compelling? What are key details and aspects of the subject’s life? Finally, what will be the key visual aspects of the story?

For each review session, be prepared to talk about what is working and what problems you are facing on the project. For each successive critique session you must bring new work. Part of the work in progress grade will be editing other people’s images.

Individual Conference No. 1: TBA

Work-in-Progress Group Critiques No. 1:  Wed. 9/30 (BFA), Mon. 10/5 (Group A), Wed. 10/7 (Group B)

Individual Conference No. 2: TBA

Work-in-Progress Group Critiques No. 2: Wed. 11/4 (BFA), Mon. 11/9 (Group B), Wed. 11/11 (Group A)

Final Critique: Wed. 12/2 (BFAs), Mon. 12/7 (Group A), Wed. 12/9 (Group B)

Photographs Not Taken

Assignment No. 2: Photographs Not Taken (PNT)

Due: Bi-weekly, Sun. 11:59 p.m. Beginning with the 4th week of the semester

Reading: Photographs Not Taken

Beginning with the 4th week of the semester you will post one description of a photograph that you did not take. Exchange your camera for a notebook, wander about and return with a detailed description of an image that you would have shot if you’d only had your camera with you. Record details of the scene in front of you as well as explain why you think the scene is worth the expenditure of a single frame of film, or even of a single pixel. Tell us the who, what, where, when and why (or how) you think this particular scene, object or person is worth the effort required to push the shutter release; what makes this a photograph worth making? This exercise will help you to become a better writer and may reinforce the notion that you should never leave the house without some sort of camera over your shoulder, or in your pocket. Post this description to the blog the night before class on Monday so we may discuss it in class.

ISTANBUL 03/12/2014 A girl was wounded in clashes between riot police officers and antigovernment protesters. Bulent Kilic/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A girl was wounded in clashes between riot police officers and antigovernment protesters.
Bulent Kilic/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Assignment No. 1: Single Image (SI)

Due: Bi-weekly, Sun. 11:59 p.m.

Reading: The New York Times: 2014 The Year In Pictures

Starting during the 2nd week of the semester you will post one image a week that conveys several elements of a story within one single composition. Research for opportunities to report an event or simply investigate the world around you and be prepared to capture a moment that tells a narrative without the need for an article. You will post this image to the blog the night before class on Tuesday and then after we have looked at it as a class you will read aloud your cutline explaining the who, what, where, when and why (or how) of the moment. This is an exercise in photojournalism, mirroring the cover image of a newspaper that stands alone, without an article attached to it. It will strengthen your ability to pack information into a single image as well as practice the matter-of-fact journalistic style of writing a caption.